What inspired you to be a writer?
Val Kilmer. No,
seriously. He was the voice of Diego de la Vega, aka Zorro, for an audio
version of The Curse of Capistrano, the first story in which Zorro appears, and
his voice was very sensuous, but also very humorous when the story called for
it, and I wanted to explore that romantic element of adventure stories more. I
was also coming off of reading the Greatcoats series, which is a
fantasy-blended story in the vein of The Three Musketeers, one of my favorite
pieces of literature of all time. I thought long and hard about how I wanted to
use Joseph Campbell’s hero quest structure, but also give it something fresh,
so I played around with time and the order of certain archetypal beats, and
pulled in some of the concepts of lore from The Legend of Zelda, one of my
favorite heroes ever.
What is your writing process?
I still write everything by hand, with Caliber 3-subject spiral notebooks and Pilot G2 inky black pens, no exceptions.
How do you deal with writer’s block?
Writing is a compulsion. So it gets done at all hours. It’s a lot like being haunted, come to think of it. I have to get them out of my head.
What is your favourite book of all time?
In your opinion, how long does it take to write a good book?
Everyone’s process is different, and how much time any writer has to dedicate in a day, a week, a month is different. For me, a year.
How do you manage time to write while working as a history professor?
I find time to write (lots of it,
because if you look up the word “Type A personality” in the dictionary, you’ll see my mug shot. I’m a hyperactive, hyper-organized, always have to be doing something sort of person.
What in your opinion are the most important elements of writing?
Characterization, atmosphere, and style. Plots mean nothing without these.
Who are your favourite authors?
A list of long-dead people. Bram Stoker, Ambrose Bierce, M.R. James, Wilkie Collins, M.Y. Halidom, H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe.
When you are writing an emotionally draining scene, how do you get in the mood?
Music, mostly. I listen to a lot of movie scores, and full orchestral movements.
Tips for new authors?
Read. It sounds silly, but read more. Read
outside the genre you wish to write in. Get a feel for all the things that are
out there, and where you and your voice fit into that.
How did you get the idea for the book?
By really just wanting more out of Zorro, really. And being inclined to fantasy writing.
Who is your favourite character from your book and why?
Hmm. Sancio, and Eugenie. They are unique and interesting, both in different ways. Sancio for his personality, and Eugenie because she gives me the opportunity to write my favorite things: dream sequences.
What is your favourite scene from the book?
The play. That sucked me in so hard.
Which scene was the most difficult one to write?
I’m all for good groveling in romance plots, but it has to be balanced to be swoonworthy and not melodramatic. It’s some juggling act.
Are your characters based on real people?
No. They sometimes start by being based on fictional characters, but they become organic and unique to me fairly quickly.
Anticipated release date for the next book?
In this series? Dunno. Gotta finish writing it first. I do know that my vampire fantasy series, starting with A Vision in Crimson, is being re-released in 2024 by City Owl Press.
If your book was to be made into a movie, who would you like to star in it?
It’s hard to say. I’m really all for talented unknowns, rather than star power.
How did you come up with the idea for your book cover and title?
The title was easy- couldn’t really think of anything else to name it. As far as the cover, my kids helped lots, and the color scheme was something I suggested to the art team after being inspired by Baz Luhrman’s films, and his Red Curtain trilogy in particular.
Was it difficult to find a publisher?
It always is. You have to find the right fit for your story, your voice, and a team that you work well with. I’m glad to say I have all of those things with City Owl.
A message for your readers?
Hope you enjoy!
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